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Business / Marketing and Advertising

Every day article marketing

Daily article marketing is necessary if you want your website rank high in search engines. Article marketing is a part of internet marketing also known as online marketing and a very significant support to publish content to relevant external websites within relevant categories. With the proper article marketing tool that documents can be equipped with image and / or videos and links can be made to your website (s). When this happens dosed and the content is truly relevant and unique every time and is placed in relevant categories, it is valued by the search engines with ever higher ranking. Especially when these items (and the underlying external website) has a strong authority and trust ( “Trust”).

Articles for Article Marketing

For articles for article marketing are a number of rules. These “rules” are primarily concerned with the length, relevance (relative to the site to which it is addressed), the anchor text, title and headers. Also, each item must be unique. Search engines love content, especially a lot of content. An article for article marketing must contain at least 400 words, this is actually the minimum length to be satisfied by the texts. If you want to promote a website that is all about marketing, it is important that the article actually has to have a very clear relationship with article marketing (and therefore must have with internet marketing). If the relevance is not found, the article related to article marketing is about coffee machines, the search engine will this “reward” by lowering the position (s). It is important that there is a varied anchor text profile. If the main search term of your website that you want to promote is “franking machine”, the maximum percentage of these anchor text across the board of articles published not more than 5%. Variation with the word franking machine as anchor text is very important, for example, “buy franking machine”, “franking machine suppliers,” etc. as anchor text is important.

Every day article marketing

Article marketing some other points that are important

It is important to place the website to promote the title key search term (ie the primary anchor text in your articles) in the title of your article. When you use a good article marketing tool, you need to place the possible headers. Header Header 2 and 3 you can create. Again, it is good when this search term in the header is placed. Search engines reward even if the last sentence of the published article contains the search even further. So an article about article marketing should actually contain the search term article marketing.